Monthly Archives: August 2020

Canned Cannabis Elevates the Industry

Marijuana is growing up and getting legal, but it’s still often packaged in plastic baggies. Now there’s a mature manufacturing solution to aid the budding industry. The only thing growing, distributing, and selling cannabis used to lead to was prison time. Now it’s becoming just as legitimate an industry as it was when our first […]

Can You Use Cannabis for Nightmares?

To date, the study of sleep is intriguing. Sleep and all related processes have been extensively studied by researchers—measuring activity and eye movements during sleep— in an attempt to explain the importance of sleep, how much we need, and how we can elevate our health by ensuring sleep quantity and quality is up to par. […]

What Does Research Say About Cannabis for PTSD?

Since nearly the beginning of history, cannabis has been revered for its powerful health benefits. As technology has advanced, we’ve been able to identify some pretty specific ways, via the Endocannabinoid System, that cannabinoids interact with the body. With new medical cannabis legislation popping up all over, the number of qualifying conditions is constantly expanding, too. […]

Tolerance Break Tips: Why and When You Need It and How to Do It Best

Your first experience with Mary Jane was probably pleasantly surprising, and the smooth, euphoric, therapeutic effects are what keep so many going back for more. After a while, though, the euphoric effects of cannabis can start to fade. For some, especially those who use cannabis frequently, the blissful high may eventually dull down. For everyday […]

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August 2020